The 9 Value systems that drive People Engagement and Corporate Culture

Uncategorized Jun 23, 2019

Your Business success reflects your Value system. Does your Value system match the market requirements for being successfully?
Do you know that you are in a Change process but you are aware of drifting with not clear enough direction? It is easy to say create a compelling Vision and discuss your Strategy!I conducted many Strategy sessions and Vision Mission Value workshops. Now we can take the guesswork out of Value definition, we can measure and define clear values we want to live.


How do we do that ? My friend and colleague Dr Rainer Krumm researched the Theory of Spiral dynamics and the studies of professor Graves and created a simple and easy to use system for measuring the Values of individuals, Groups and corporations. Easy , because all it takes is to take an online survey and get the visible results..

Did you know that over 92% of companies believe change management is important? However, in our careers, we can have beliefs and attitudes that keep us stuck. These patterns can stop us from being our best, and reaching for the success that we deserve.

Our 9 Levels Value System will not only enable you to identify how your organisation works best and change those beliefs, but it will also increase the profitability of your company as a whole by allowing you to change your company’s values.

Successful companies have strong core values, and understand the ‘personality’ of their business. What this means is that they are able to assess each individual as a part of their organisation, and know how to make sure that each person is playing to their strengths, and driving the company forward. You can do this too – we can help.

To make effective change in your organisation, knowing the 9 Levels Value System will give you the edge over your competitors. It is like giving you a key to unlock the minds of yourself, and your colleagues, to know where you fit in, and what is important to each of you. This will be invaluable in knowing how to structure your organisation, and how to influence and manage people.

So if you feel like you want to make progress in an area of your business, but keep repeating the same mistakes, our Value Profile Analysis will give you the knowledge to create the right mindset to achieve your ambitions – in areas of your life where you feel ‘stuck’.

You’ll get an in-depth understanding of yourself, your approach to the world, and your work. You’ll understand your personality, behaviour, and values. Our coaching will not only equip you with the confidence to make successful changes in your life, but will also help you feel more positive about things outside of your control.




The 9 levels System assesses the personality type of a given individual. Devised by Rainer Krumm and influenced by Clare Graves, Abraham Maslow and the book ‘Spiral Dynamics’, the 9 levels system was created to assess psychological development at individual stages – whether that be a person, an organisation, or a group.

Level One is the level of Beige,
or ‘the survival personality’. This means the individual is quite animalistic, and concerned with his or her survival only.

Level Two is the Purple level,
the personality that connects to others to find safety. This means that the person is concerned with the tribe, and the needs of others.

Level Three is the Red level,
and the person at this level is concerned with battles. They are aggressive and do not care about the consequences of their battles.

Level Four is Blue,
and the personality at this level is concerned with ‘the power of truth’.

Level Five is Orange,
and this means “striving for success”. Those at the orange level are good at strategy. They seek the good life and material abundance.

Level Six is Green,
which means that the person strives for participation of the whole, and views success as a result of the team pulling together.

Level Seven is Yellow,
and the personality at this level is into systems thinking and entertaining multiple perspectives.

Level Eight is Turquoise,
who are interested in holism and focusing on the well-being of the world, and this determines their life and work.

Level Nine is Coral.
People in this rank use their charisma to motivate people, break new ground, and transcend boundaries.

When we assess you personally and your business using the 9 Levels Value Profile, it’s not about ‘moving up the levels’. It’s about assessing which one is the best fit for your organisation, using our profiling system. It’s about changing your limiting beliefs, the ones that might keep you stuck, and stop you from growing or changing into the best you can be.

With the model of “9 Levels Value System” trainers, coaches and consultants have a scientifically based analysis tool in hand, which seeks to understand your business ‘from the inside out’.
Individuals, teams and organizations get a whole new perspective on the current situation, which is shown from a level that can be measurable, and understood. Problems in businesses like having your top experts leave, or ‘pressure from the top’ can be sorted through and evaluated before they happen.

So why do you need to know about the value system?

It will help increase profitability for your business and create a great corporate culture. If you know more about your organisation – if for example you know whether someone in your team is a team player, or an individual player, then you know how to manage that person and are more able to drive them towards success.
It will also help you change your beliefs. Beliefs are incredibly powerful things. When you change a belief, it changes your whole mode of operating.
Finally, it will help you move your organisation forward, and help you assess it’s structure, and mode of operating. It is an excellent tool for organisational change as you evolve into a new way of business, with a stronger personality and values.
Our Value Profile Analysis is a key tool that will really help you understand who you are, what your values are, and why you make the decisions you make. It will help you assess your personality, and develop the skills needed for you to succeed in your chosen area of focus.
If you are the type of person that thinks ‘who am I?’ ‘what is right for me?’ ‘how can I succeed in my career’? Then you will benefit from our value profile analysis.
Is your organisation made up of team players, or individuals? We can help you answer this question.
You’ll be able to use the analysis as a kind of guide, as a roadmap for success.
Our 9 levels Value Coaching can help you transform your mindset from one of failure to one of success. The coaching allows you to transform your own sense of personal value; that is what you mean to an organisation and where your strengths lie. We can help you get the best out of yourself in a way that no other method can.
You may think that there are other products out there, but how is our 9 levels Values method of coaching different?
Well, what makes us different is we ask different questions. We provide you with detailed questions that really get into the heart of the person, to find out what makes them tick.
Sometimes, we all need a little help in deciding who we are, and what we want. Our 9 Levels Value Coaching helps you do just that, by taking you through a journey of self-understanding.

9 Levels supports individual coaching, which helps clients attain clarity about their situation as well as identify ways to organise one’s professional and personal life to achieve satisfaction.
Once you are aware of what ‘level’ you are operating at, you can more readily understand yourself, your team, and the environment. Because psychological dynamics are at work all the time in business, learning more about your own perspective can help you realise where you became stuck in the first place and be able to empower you to formulate more successful beliefs about the future.
We also offer more than just profiling and coaching. We can offer strategies on outplacement, recruiting, marketing and sales, and much more.
Once you understand and connect with yourself, you’ll be able to better connect with the needs of others- and ultimately build a better, more profitable business.
We’d love to help you, so please get in touch with us to find out how you can move yourself and your organisation to the next level.

Get your Personal 9 Level Value Profile here

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